Sunday, 6 March 2011

Helping the Favelas - Slums

With this first post I would like to share a few websites of organisations that have/are developing projects in slums in Brazil.
If you are interested in helping people from slums in Brazil, you might be able to give a very good first step just by visiting and getting more information from the following websites:
Community in Action -
Observatório de Favelas "Observatory of Favelas" -
Favela é isso aí "That is Favela" -
Iko Poran -
Rio Voluntário - (Portuguese only)
Viva Favela -
Again, donation is just one of the many ways you can help! Volunteering is always a possibility and most of the organisations will be happy if you can spare some of your time to help.


The world needs help. We all need help to live a better life.
That's why I realized that sometimes we need to do a bit more for the others than what we are already doing.
To donate a few coins to people who need or maybe animals, forests or any other cause you may like...
To donate your time…
The idea behind this blog is to make it easier for people to find causes/opportunities to help without leaving the comfort of their own place.
I see that a number of persons would like to help somehow, but sometimes they have no idea of how to make this desire come true, so, this blog will help this people to help!